
Anonymous and traceable

 I have traces of me 

scattered around the web.

Some of them nameless

others not.

I have scattered pieces of me

some abandoned

others not. 

I crave the times

when being unknown was

an easy kind of trick. 

Now I feel like pouring all my brain 

into even smaller


little parts.

As much as praise

and recognition fuel me

they also set my surroundings on fire.

They poison 

every thing

that I tried to keep pure

for myself.


and living

and thinking. 

As much as I don't like to admit it

I fell prey 

to the same

(day in)

(day out)


as most of us.

Sometimes I wonder

just what kind of person I would be

if the opinions of others didn't matter.

I am deeply grateful for all the small little tidbits of private expression that I still have. I used to be paranoid about the blog, concealing it and not talking about it and hiding it from search engines. I have let go in part of that, over the years I have shown it to one, maybe two people.

And I am grateful for all it is. A private little space, where I can write silly little words and I don't have to worry too much if it's not good enough or not.

4 σχόλια:

  1. This is a beautiful poem and reminded me of a poetry book I have on my bookshelf, there is a poem in there by May Swenson called "How Everything Happens" and the spaces between the words draw a wave, similar to how you formatted your poem.

    I have been following your blog for years and have always found your writing captivating because it is so personal and insightful. I have seen many blogs on this platform over the years and yours is one of those rare few that are truly special. There are so many amazing writers sharing pieces of their puzzles, so many stopped writing or disappeared altogether. Please don't ever stop writing and sharing your experiences.

    1. Thank you truly for giving so much of your time to my words over the years. I suppose I will not stop writing for as long writing feels like a necessity.

  2. I am glad you still write. So few people still do. It seems like people don't have the attention span to appreciate the written word anymore. They fill their days with Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and TikTok. That isn't art. Those are vapid forms of expression.

    1. Oh I do not blame these to be honest: I have found amusing and thought-provoking content on these platforms. I guess it is more about personal choices and the medium each person prefers to express themselves over time.

      I do find myself missing various blogs I used to read over the years myself though.
