

Sometimes I forget how to measure time.
It used to be
from song to song
and now it's closer to
disaster from disaster.

Sometimes I forget how to measure space
It used to be
from step to step.
Now it seems to be from
Imminent danger to danger passed
to danger transformed
to danger carried out.

Sometimes I forget how to measure people.
It used to be from tender touch to tender touch,
from value to value.
Now I no longer know
how to measure myself,
let alone others.

Sometimes each person feels
like a potential black hole.

Future plans

For the first time
I felt the need
to put a piece of you,
the piece with my heart,
in all that I do
the gestures of all that I am,
to honour you
and also let you go.
Like an exorcism
only I am able to perform
to set free
all that I hold.

I've put in motion
every piece of me
and a new plan has evolved
so that we don't often meet.
I only hope,
though I crave you still,
that if I keep cutting
it will not pain me more
to never have the chance
your presence in my life to keep.
I cut
and cut away
hoping that no connection will be left
though the silence suffocates in its grip
and I want to tell you all
but you have other problems to resolve
and I dare not
burden you


Last time
you asked me
How are you and I said
Hey I'm fine, you?
But I wanted to say really,
You'd better not fall for me
'cause I am fine and well
when I am in the sunshine
but inside I am made-up of storms
and no sailor ever reaches the shore
and I can promise nothing but
that I will break your heart.

And hear me now
I know there will be a ceiling you will reach
For I recognise the lovers
from a mile away each
and there is the burning in the heart
and the earthquake in the ribs
that only being close brings.

I have tried and failed
and failed again
to move those tremors from my heart and limbs
to place them nearer to others
closer physically
but try as I might I can't deny
That I don't feel
for you the tidal wave
I feel
swiping at my knees
the moment I lay my eyes on him.