
Imaginary conversation #1

I lean against the counter
drinking your sight in.
How long has it been
since I last saw you.
You hand me two beers
and I take them,
I watch you as you look into the fridge
watch your hands
as they reach in inside.

In the other room
I hear people talking.

You stand up straight
you're busy with something,
don't know what.
I watch your back.

"Come stai?"
"Bene. E tu?"
"Is that all?" I say. "One year
I have not seen you,
months we have not talked,
and that is all?
"What do you want me to say?"

In the other room
I hear people laugh.

"Something personal.
Something true.
Tell me about the moment
you felt eternal
or the moment
when you couldn't breathe.
Tell me how you fucked that girl
so hard you couldn't speak.
Tell about something
that had an impact on you,
about something
that kept you awake at night
if even for a moment."

In the other room
I hear your girlfriend laugh.

I wonder if it's the same thing
we're hearing.
"I missed you."
"Well. I certainly
didn't see that coming,"
I said.
"What am I supposed to say to that?"

Last night I dreamt
That somebody loved me
No hope - but no harm
Just another false alarm

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