

  I swirled and let my eyes wander, devouring everything around, accompanied by the other senses. The touch of sand, the smell of sea, the taste of salt mixed with the sweetness of mastiha, the sound of the breeze coming from the Baltic sea and running straight into the surrounding forest. The sun never truly settled, just hid temporarily and painted the sky brilliant shades of colour, there were moments when the waves were licked golden by the light.
  I walked in the ruins and got a bit lost in them, I nearly lost my footage - had we not managed to hold on to each other in a peculiar sort of balance we would have fallen, straight into the greenish waters. We laughed about it with our heartbeats throbbing rapidly at the base of our throat.
  Heading towards the car, the others already waiting, I heard the sound of motors from the dirt path that led us down to the secret post. I looked at the low rising of earth where the came cleared, dust rising like fog, the lights of the motorcycles clearing through it as they started descending. Some ten riders, all clad from head to toe, I was breathless at the sight, my camera resting in my hands unused, I would have missed them had I tried to capture them.
  Blue eyes locked in mine from far ahead, contact broke after he passed me, I hurried to the car, my throat tightening.

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